Author: Jennifer Loux

Jennifer Loux has served on the staff of Marlboro Music since 2007. As Admissions Director, she assists Tony Checchia and Miles Cohen with artistic administration. Jennifer holds a Bachelor's degree in Music Education from West Chester University of Pennsylvania, a Master's degree in Choral Conducting from Temple University, and also studied Choral Conducting at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University.

She has directed choirs as a visiting lecturer at the University of Indianapolis and Ursinus College, served as an interim director of Sola Gratia Musicians (a choral program for high school students), and has worked with children's choirs at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. She enjoys reading, attending concerts of all kinds, time with friends and family, and is an incurable fan of the Philadelphia Phillies.

Visit Jennifer's Admissions Director page at Marlboro Music and Marlboro Music's Facebook page to find the latest information on her musical activity.