Cultivating Softness, Strength, Clarity, and Calm: 3 Basic Yoga Techniques for Musicians

Elana Katz

There are many yoga techniques that one can use to cultivate heightened awareness, calm the nervous system, center one’s thoughts, and achieve increased mental clarity. As an artist and performer myself, I can testify that yoga can help to foster creative and artistic clarity as well. What follows is a brief introduction to a few basic principals and practices in yoga that can be useful for musicians, with the instrument and in daily life.

1. Breathing 

Deepening the breath calms the nervous system and oxygenates the blood. In physical yoga positions, which are called “asanas”, deep breath is used continuously over the course of the whole practice. “Deepening the breath” means an elongation of both the inhale and the exhale. When we are nervous, the breath becomes shallow. Some people inhale and have the tendency to hold the breath—to not exhale enough—while other people simply tighten the breath, and the inhale and exhale both lack space and movement. In both cases, to begin with, I would recommend the yogic technique of deepening both the inhale and the exhale, and attempting to make them even in length. This can be useful to practice first as an isolated exercise, and once you become familiar with deepened breath, later this technique can be applied (in a modified form) while playing the instrument.

When one is tense and inhales yet does not sufficiently exhale, this causes the breath to get caught in the chest, leading one to feel rather stiff and paralyzed—a state that is certainly problematic for artistic expression and performing. In this case, it is of course important to bring one’s attention to the exhale, cultivating a full and complete exhale and thus ridding the body of stale air. Yet it is also important not to forget about the inhale, but rather to change the quality of the inhale.

Try the following: First empty the lungs of air. Then allow the inhale to start in the belly, continue to fill into the lower lungs, then, progressing slowly, fill the upper lungs, the side lungs, the back lungs—filling all the way up to the collar bones. This is a true deep breath that brings energizing oxygen into the body and uses the full capacity of the lungs. Try inhaling in this manner over the course of 8 counts or so. Then take a slow, deep, full exhale—attempting to make the exhale the same length as the inhale (8 counts or so). With this release of air, think of exhaling out all that you no longer need—letting go of emotional, mental, and physical tension.

One can alter the breath to be less drawn out in practical circumstances, of course. Each breath does not need to be 8 counts long when playing the instrument or having a conversation. Still try to follow, however, the principal of enriching the quality of the inhale, and aiming to equalize the length of the inhale and exhale. Deepening the breath extends, evens, and thus balances the process of air entering and exiting the body.

In addition to deep breathing, there are various yogic breathing exercises that are called “pranayama”, a Sanskrit word meaning the extension of breath, or “prana,” which is life force. Different pranayamas target varying things: some focus on energizing – generating heat in the body—while other techniques have the effect of balancing, or calming a scattered or nervous body and mind. These exercises can benefit energy level, mental clarify, emotional stability, and can help a great deal to both expel negative tension and calm anxiety. Pranayma exercises are very extensive and can be studied as one deepens a yoga practice. As a starting point, deep breathing can be very important in playing an instrument, and it is critical in the practices that follow: stretching and mediation.

2. Stretching

Softening the muscles allows the potential for increased strength—as Cellobello founder Paul Katz constantly reminds his students. When one is not exhausting and draining the muscles with tension, they have more capacity for strength—softness in fact facilitates the potential for muscular strength. In yoga, one is constantly working toward the balance of strength and softness. The equilibrium of these components is very much connected with the breath—breath is crucially important while stretching. When coming into a stretch, one should always deepen the breath, as this in turn deepens the stretch: with each inhale, focus on cultivating length through the muscles, and with each exhale, focus on the cultivation of softness and release of the muscles. Again, making the inhale and exhale even in length and fullness, as discussed above. This coordination of breath and impulse can also be used while playing the instrument: with the inhale lengthening, with the exhale softening, releasing, allowing the weight of the body to be heavy.

3. Meditation 

Mediation cultivates a heightened awareness of the present moment, which can lead to a more concentrated creative expression. Meditation is also refreshing and soothing to the nerves. I will lead you through a simple introductory meditation that can be practiced at any time, whether one has time to seclude oneself in a dark room for 10 minutes, or whether one is simply sitting on the subway trying to ease a nervous mind.

First come into a comfortable position, sitting or lying down, and be mindful of keeping the spine long (try to avoid slouching/ compressing the spine). Begin by closing the eyes and observing the physical position of the body—just noticing where the body touches the ground, where it touches your clothing, where it touches the air. Noticing what supports the body—a chair, floor, pillow, whatever it may be. Then become aware of the breath, just observing the natural rhythm of the breath entering and exiting the body. Without manipulating the breath, see you if can perhaps bring a bit more softness, a bit more spaciousness into the breath, equalizing the length of the inhale and exhale. Take your time with this, focus the attention on the breath for a minute or so if possible. From here, begin to extend your awareness to the sounds that may be surrounding you, you may find that you notice sounds that you may not have heard before. Then noticing any scent surrounding you, and then becoming aware of your visual field—what can you see, even as the eyes are closed? Remembering just to practice observing the present—without judgment or the will to change the circumstances. Trying not to focus too hard on any one thing, just observing, and evening the breath. All the while, keep the breath and body soft, and remain mindful of the length of spine.

Ideally, this mediation can be practiced for 5-10 minutes, without much surrounding activity or distraction. Yet the process of closing the eyes, observing the breath and body, and becoming aware of all the senses, can be practiced also in just 1 minute while in the practice room or waiting to go on stage. In this simple meditation practice, the senses become heightened; one has an increased awareness of sight, sound, scent, and feeling. One comes out of this mediation more awake, with an increased connection with the body and awareness of what one is seeing and hearing—all of which are largely beneficial in playing music.

This is a simple brief introduction to three primary components of yoga—breathing, stretching, and meditating—that can be useful to musicians and all! Becoming mindful of the breath as well as practicing specific breathing exercises, using stretching to soften and thus create a greater potential for muscular strength, and becoming acquainted with a basic meditation practice, are all components of yoga that can be integrated into daily life. These yogic methods can specifically help when playing the cello and in preparation for going on stage, as well as to generally energize, calm, and heighten creative awareness.


Elana Katz

Elana Katz is a conceptual artist and dedicated yoga practitioner.  She was first introduced to yoga at the age of 11, while training as a classical dancer. She had a knee injury and only a yoga practice was able to repair her condition. Since this time, Elana has had a deeply rooted respect for the tradition of yoga. She has since trained in many different styles, including classical hatha, Iyengar, Ashtanga-based vinyasa, and Kripalu Yoga (completing a 200 hour teacher training in Kripalu Yoga in 2009). She still continues to work with her first teacher and long time inspiration, Robert Boustany, who has now founded a method known as Pralaya Hatha Yoga.

Elana left dance as a teenager, and has since worked in various mediums of art. In 2008, performance art became Elana’s primary medium of artistic expression, yet she continues to work also in the mediums of photography, video, and installation. She attended the Parsons School of Design in New York and completed graduate studies at the University of Arts Berlin (UdK Berlin).  Her recent grants have included the DAAD Graduate Studies Grant and the Franklin Furnace Grant for Performance Art. Over the past years, Elana has exhibited/ performed in Germany, Serbia, Italy, Belgium, the United States, and Japan.

Since relocating to Berlin in 2008, Elana has taught yoga at Home Yoga (since 2009) as well as Galerie Petra Vankova, where she and artist Philip Metz founded YOGA for ARTISTS, a program that promotes the notion that wellness energizes the creative mind and body, and can inform and inspire artists to create. The program is a natural extension of Elana’s own experience of living as a yogi and artist. In 2011 Elana was invited as a guest teacher at YogaJaya in Tokyo, Japan, where she taught yoga as well as lead workshops in creative improvisation and open eye meditation -- exploring the use of yogic principals in diverse fields of expression and creativity. Elana has also worked specifically with musicians to teach yoga techniques related to playing an instrument, and has taught yoga and meditation at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, USA.

It is Elana’s mission to move forward learning, living, and teaching the beauty that lies in awareness, reflection, inquiry, and expression—the basis for yoga, as well as all fields of art.

Elana also offers customized private yoga lessons at an affordable sliding-scale rate. For more info please contact


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