Bennet Huang, cello; Elgin Lee, piano. Bowdoin International Music Festival, 2022.

Master Class: Brahms F Major Sonata, Mvt. 2

  • Symphonic in scope: orchestrate in your imagination
  • Inflect long notes in different ways
  • Continue the melodic line over the rests
  • Super legato makes Cantabile moments more expressive
  • Build the phrase within Forte markings
  • Shape the tremolos as a melody responding to harmony



Zlatomir Fung

The youngest cellist ever to win First Prize at the International Tchaikovsky Competition, Zlatomir Fung is poised to become one…

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"The idea comes to me from outside of me - and is like a gift. I then take the idea and make it my own - that is where the skill lies." -Johannes Brahms